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Tooth and Claw (Kootenai Pack Book 1) Page 24

  While the majority of the pack was in the kitchen anxiety cooking, or in the living room, pacing, Cain and I were with Noel in the office. Noel sat in the office at my desk. He was on his computer doing something. It was making me anxious.

  “What pack is he from?”

  “The Kootenai pack, in Northern Montana,” I told Noel for what felt like the eightieth time. Cain was getting twitchy.

  Noel tapped his pencil, “I expected to hear from his lawyer by now,” he stopped tapping and looked at me, “I don’t suppose you know the pack lawyer?”

  I shook my head, “I didn’t get the full introductions during my captivity.” Cain’s hand flexed at the mention. He was struggling to keep it together. He wanted to fight.

  Noel continued tapping his pencil, “It was a very fair offer. I really don’t want to take this to trial.”

  “You said you were confident,” Cain growled, “That she’d be free.”

  Noel sighed, “I am confident. Doesn’t mean I want to draw this out. Look at you. He’s been in town less than 24 hours and you’re-”

  Noel’s phone rang. Cain stiffened. I froze. The ring tone continued another two beats before he answered it.


  “Noel Harris?” the voice was familiar.

  “The very same,” Noel said sounding like a charming southern gentleman, “What can I do for you today?”

  “I’m calling in regard to a divorce petition you filed late last night,” I recognized the voice, it was Owen, from Kendrick’s pack.

  “The Biel case?” Noel asked, knowing full well that it was the Biel case.

  “My client wants me to reject it outright,” Owen said. I didn’t know Owen was a lawyer. It never came up. Why hadn’t someone mentioned that the lawyer was the getaway driver for my kidnapping. I wrote on a piece of notepaper Owen Nelson, he drove the truck that kidnapped me

  “And I’m sure you know he has no case,” Noel said, “Has your client shared the documents with you? I’m happy to send them over to you if he hasn’t.”

  “He has,” Owen replied, “He wants me to reject it on the grounds the couple is moon blessed.”

  “Not according to the law,” Noel reminded him, “Of which I’m sure you’re aware. Now, let’s be reasonable here. My client is well within her rights to get a divorce. She’d also be well within her rights to go after half of everything your client owns, if memory serves, he just inherited substantial pack holdings, financial assets, and properties.”

  Owen sighed on the other side of the line, “Why is she pushing for this now? She fled pack lands over a year ago. Why now?”

  “He approached her, not the other way around,” Noel said calmly, “She fears for her safety and the safety of her loved ones. It is in the best interest of your client, your pack, and everyone here in Easterville if he just signs the papers. The human police are not idiots here, they suspect your client was involved in her very public kidnapping. She’s being pressured to give her statement. She’s a cornered wolf, Mr. Nelson. Do you remember the jail time for accessory to felony kidnapping? I’m afraid I didn’t study much criminal law.”

  Owen was silent for several long seconds on the other end of the line, “I’ll get him to sign. Keep her from going to the police.”

  “My client is an independent wolf, Mr. Nelson,” Noel said leaning back in his chair, “I won’t tell her to do anything that’s against her best interest.”

  The phone beeped. Owen hung up on Noel.

  My heart was racing. I had a death grip on Cain’s hand, and he on mine. Owen was going to convince Kendrick to sign. I’d be free. Cain could be my mate in truth.

  “Let us know if you hear anything more,” Cain told his brother. He lifted me out of chair and carried me to our room.

  He cradled me under the covers, and we tried to sleep.

  Noel knocked on the door a few hours later. Cain ushered him in.

  “He said he’ll sign,” Noel said, my heart raced. He was going to sign, I’d be free. Noel’s face cringed when he saw my reaction, “On one condition.”

  All my hopes fell, “What is it?”

  “He wants to do it in person,” Noel said, “Owen says Biel wants one final chance to convince you-”

  Cain growled, “No.”

  “Cain,” I tried to reason. He turned to look at me, “No.” he growled again.

  His hands touched my face delicately, “I won’t risk you.”

  “The sooner this is over with, the sooner I’m all yours,” I reminded him, brushing my hand over his cheek. I wanted him to smile. I wanted to trace the dimple, “Forever.”

  His emerald eyes stared down at me. I stared up at him. He closed his eyes tightly and pressed his forehead to mine, “I want to be there.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Kendrick agreed to meet at the Tooth and Claw. Sheriff Lark had extra patrols ready if he tried to kidnap me again. Charlie and Olly were taking care of the pub. Noel and Cain walked with me into the pub.

  Kendrick was waiting for us at Earl’s table. His brows furrowed when I walked in, his eyes appraised my body and found Cain’s arm on the small of my back. His yellow eyes glowed with fury.

  “Mr. Biel,” Noel said, “You remember me, I’m Miss Field’s attorney. Is your attorney present?”

  Kendrick held up his phone which had Owen on a video call.

  “Excellent. We can begin.”

  “I want to talk to Aster,” Kendrick said his voice a low growl. I could smell his wolf nearing the surface, “Alone.”

  Noel looked at me then at Cain. I looked at Cain who did not like the idea.

  “Sit at Louie’s table,” I told the Harris brothers, “You’ll be able to see everything.”

  Cain didn’t like it, but Noel led him away.

  “What is this, Aster?” Kendrick said lifting the papers and tossing them on the table in front of me, “Divorce? We’re moon blessed, you can’t divorce me. I have a half dozen wolves that will corroborate that you said we’re moon blessed. You have no case.”

  “Sign the papers Kendrick.”

  “I love you, Aster,” Kendrick’s voice cracked. His eyes were reddening as the strain of keeping his wolf in control became more difficult, “I’ve always loved you. Why are you doing this? I came here for you. I am ready to give up the pack, for you. And you blind side me with a bullshit divorce?!”

  He was shouting now, a few patrons turned to look but didn’t say anything.

  “Sign the papers, Kendrick,” I instructed him again. There was no point in arguing with him. He didn’t care about me, he never had. He didn’t love me. My wolf didn’t want him, I didn’t want him.

  “I can give you everything you’ve ever wanted, Aster,” Kendrick continued, “Your family, your friends, a pack, and your precious Easterville. All of it. We’ll all move here, for you.”

  I shook my head, “Just sign the damn papers, Kendrick.”

  He slammed his fist on the table, “You’re MINE!” he shouted, “Damn it Aster. You’re MINE. Stop fighting this.”

  Cain was out of his seat and across the pub faster than I’d ever seen him move. He pulled me from the booth and positioned me behind him. Kendrick was standing now too. Face to face with Cain.

  They were breathing heavily. Two springs tense and loaded. I slowly moved between them and the rest of the pub, “Sit down,” I commanded. The men looked at me and both slid in the booth, I looked at Kendrick, “You lost the right to call me yours when you left me in that trap. Sign the papers, Kendrick.”

  His jaw twitched, “Who is this, Aster?” he snarled motioning to Cain.

  “He’s everything you’re not,” I replied, “Sign the papers, Kendrick. Go to your pack. And never come back. You step foot within five hundred miles of Easterville again, it’s all over for you, and Owen.”

  “Sign the papers,” I heard Owen call from his phone, I’d forgotten he was on video chat, “Kendrick, this is serious. Sign them.”
br />   Kendrick’s growl turned into a whine, “But you’re my mate.”

  “I’m nothing to you. Sign the papers.”

  Noel walked up behind me, “You got your ten minutes, Biel. My client is going now.”

  I reached my hand out to Cain and he let me lead him out of the pub. As soon as we were outside, he pulled me tightly in his arms, “I want to kill him, Lee,” he whispered into my hair, “Hearing him talk to you like that. I want to kill him.”

  Snow started to fall around us, “Let’s walk.” I held his hand and we walked down Main Street in the snow. It was daytime and the stores were still open. We passed people on the sidewalk and they waved at us with bright smiles. The town loved us.

  “Imagine how excited they’re going to be when they hear Cain and Lee are tying the knot,” I mused to him. He was slowly starting to relax, “I bet Mrs. Bailey buys us a pasta maker.”

  He laughed and put his arm over my shoulder and kissed my temple, “Ginger’s going to get hammered at our reception, I bet she goes shot for shot with Olly.”

  I giggled at the thought. We continued to walk down Main Street planning our wedding until Noel called Cain.

  “It’s done,” Noel said, “Head home, Kendrick has an hour to get out of town.”

  Cain hung up the phone and picked me up in his arms spinning me in a circle, “You’re free, Lee.”

  Tears streamed down my cheeks. I was free. I was finally free.



  Six months later- Cain

  “Going to the chapel and we’re goooing to get maaarriiieed,” I woke up to the incredible impish green eyes of Lee Fields in my face and her atrocious morning breath in my nose as she sang to me.

  Today was the day. I groaned and rolled over flinging my arms over her stomach.

  “Isn’t it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?” I asked with a roguish grin I knew would drive her wild. She winked at me and I knew I got the reaction from her I wanted. Her long black hair was tousled from sleep. She was incredible.

  “Evan’s going to be pissed if we’re late,” she reminded sitting on her knees next to me in bed, “He’s setting up all the chairs by the lake for us.”

  Unable to resist her any longer I wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her into my arms over my lap. I pressed soft kisses down her neck, and she giggled. I love her laugh. It lights my life. Since I first heard it, I craved it. She bit her lip; she was lost in thought.

  “Ginger’s in charge, Charlie and Olly are helping,” I reminded her, our tiniest female had thrown herself into planning the second Lee agreed to be my mate in the eyes of the law. Lee wanted to do a simple ceremony, but as soon as the town heard we were engaged, it wasn’t an option, luckily for us, they loved their Bionic Barmaid so much we didn’t have to do much, “All we have to do is look nice and show up.”

  “Are you sure you want to be stuck with me?” she asked. Even after all we've been through, there was still a small part of her that was worried she wasn’t good enough.

  “I don’t want to be stuck with you,” I told her sincerely, her face fell, and I knew I chose the wrong phrasing, “Lee, I love you. I’m not stuck with you. I need you with every fiber of my being. You are everything.”

  Her eyes lit up and she wrapped her arms around me, “I love you so much, Cain. You’re a dream come true.”

  “You’re a miracle,” I told her. She was a miracle. My miracle.

  I stood in front of the lake looking out over three hundred Eastervillians and shifters who were eager to see me get married to the woman who had stolen all our hearts. Evan stood next to me. He was in a custom suit that Ginger forced him to get. He looked good though.

  I felt the bear’s heavy hand on my shoulder when I looked back at him, he gave me a single nod. That’s all the approval I needed. Evan walked back down the aisle where he would walk down with Lee. My Lee. My mate. The love of my life. My second chance. My miracle.

  The Carlson kids started playing Canon in D and various men and women who Lee and I had grown close to during our courtship filed down in the human custom of bridesmaids and groomsmen. Lee didn’t have the heart to turn any of them down, so our bridal party was massive. But I didn’t care. She deserved every friend excited for her. Finally, I saw Evan’s tall head over the crowd. Lee was coming. Her bionic arm was wrapped through Evan’s massive one. Her pale handheld two flowers, one white, one purple.

  Evan had to make her walk slower, her smile was huge. She looked incredible. Someone had done her hair in elaborate curls, but she didn’t wear makeup. She didn’t need it. Her green eyes were bright and all for me.

  She got to the beach and held my hands in hers. She was shaking. Rather than passing her flowers to Sarah, as she’d practiced during the wedding rehearsal, Lee handed them to me. Her beautiful green eyes were tinged with red. The fragrant flowers tingled my nose. Lily, Aster. My past and my future.

  “You ok?” I whispered to her.

  She smiled and tears started coming down her face, “I’m just so happy, Cain. Let’s get this over with so I can spend the rest of my life being yours.”

  I’d spend the rest of my life keeping her as happy as she was in that moment. Aster Lee Fields wanted to be mine.

  Lee was in my arms on the dance floor. She looked up at me with the same love I hoped she saw on my face. We spun on the dance floor in slow circles completely engrossed in each other.

  “I always dreamt of this, you know,” Lee said looking around quickly before returning to look at my face.

  “What else have you dreamt of, Lee?” I ask her.

  “Kiss me.”

  Author's note

  Thank you so much for reading Tooth and Claw. I write the stories I crave to read and hope this satisfied someone's desired reading niche. I wanted to explore the fated mate story trope and bring it to culturally inevitable conclusions. Aster and Kendrick were made for each other, but the reality of their lives and experiences made their blessing a curse. Aster's life was mired in tragedy and only through learning to accept the kindness of strangers was she able to demand better for her life. Kendrick lived with the pressure of needing a strong mate, blessings be damned. I had dozens of drafts of this story where Aster and Kendrick, or Lee and Evan ended up together. But each man had a fatal flaw that prevented the happily ever after. Kendrick had passively rejected Aster for years and when he finally decided they could be together; he went about it the exact wrong way. Evan, who loves Lee with every hair on his bear, lived in a culture incongruent with Lee's. A wolf pack is a family, and Lee would never understand Evan leaving his children.

  That said, I'm not done with the Kootenai Pack. There are more unexplored cravings to explore. Kendrick's story, Ghost Eyes will be released November 1, 2019.

  About the Author

  Lynn Katzenmeyer is the author of the Kootenai Pack novels.

  Fascinated with the paranormal romance trope of fated mates, Lynn explores the darker side of the One True Love. In the Kootenai Pack novels, Lynn writes emotional character driven stories about shifters finding fulfillment in relationships whether fate agrees or not.

  She lives in Southern Minnesota with her husband and three cats.